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Telling The Truth

By August 28, 2014April 22nd, 2020Musings, Read

You’ve lied. Maybe it’s a small one or maybe a huge one, it’s really all the same. Why? To maintain your precious self-image, to avoid being blamed, to avoid feeling pain. But your partner or friend is a sensitive one and, smelling the rotting odour of your lie, challenges you directly. You vigorously deny it, for to come clean is for your protective walls to be breached, your fragile core to be laid bare, the horrifying sense of your own nothingness to be shockingly exposed.

The result? Your pretence breeds distrust, breeds bitterness and discontent, and without the nourishment of truth, relationships become withered and lifeless.

But what if you dare to expose your lie and courageously feel the heat of humiliation as your painstakingly erected defence system comes crashing to the ground? What if you finally fall right into that terrifying void of your very own absence?

Freed from the burden of having to pretend, of having anything at all to uphold, you don’t stop breathing, you don’t die a painful death, you come wildly, ecstatically alive!

And in that delicious openness, love flows in every direction.